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Slide-into-intern-life: Joe Coste

February 01, 2019

Slide-into-intern-life: Joe Coste

Joining the ISlide team was a tough decision at first, or at least I thought it was. Before ISlide I was working a full time 9-5 bank job while going to school full time and I made a lot of money, friends , and unforgettable experiences. But while working there I felt like I was wasting precious time to get real life experience as a content creator/ videographer. I have been spending the last 4 years studying Mass Media Communications but have yet used what I have learned in the real world. So when I applied to the Content Creator position at ISlide I quit my job and decided to hone my skills as a content creator.

So far my experience here at ISlide has been nothing but positive. I have networked with some amazing individuals and have learned so much in my short time here. I quickly learned how the work you do here really matters. You are truly a part of a well oiled machine and your work directly impacts the company. The ISlide family has been welcoming and helpful throughout my entire experience as an intern. During my time at ISlide there have been many launches and new licenses,  and to be a part of such big moments in the company's history was an absolute honor. In addition to learning about the marketing side of content creation I have also learned a lot of life skills. I have learned to not be afraid of taking risk and to step out of my comfort zone. Working here has made me realize that without taking risk you will never really grow and develop as a professional. At ISlide my work has been far from perfect , but with the help of the staff and other interns I have been able to overcome those obstacles and make amazing content.  “Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure”- Aisha Tyler. I have been extremely blessed to work at such an amazing company and hope to continue my relationship with the ISlide family.


This Blog Was Written By Intern: Joe Coste

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