Sliding into Mother's Day - ISlide

Sliding into Mother's Day

April 24, 2019

Sliding into Mother's Day

Mother:Noun. A female parent.

^That is what Mother means according to Dictionary.com. Isn’t that just the worst? I mean, I guess it‘s true in the most literal sense. But, aren’t all of our Moms sooo much more than just “a female parent”? So, I decided to take it upon myself to do something about this. I spent some time trying to redefine Mother. To be completely honest, it wasn’t great. Each definition I came up with was either way too cheesy, or not nearly cheesy enough. Then I realized something: I work in an office of very intelligent people, and they have moms too. That’s where the fun began. I walked around the entire office, asking everyone (who wasn’t in a meeting) to give me a word or phrase that describes their mom.

Here are some of their answers:

-Always has my back                      -Persistent

-Overworked                                   -Patient

-Powerful                                        -Loving

-Amazing                                        -Talented

-Saint                                              -Reliable

-Best Friend                                   -Understanding

-Nurse                                             -Thoughtful

-Inspiring                                        -Sweet

-Hero                                              -Funny

-Outgoing                                       -Selfless

-Hardworking                                 -Extra

-Generous                                      -Nice

-Caring                                           -Resilient

-Crazy                                            -Compassionate



Wow, moms really are a lot of things aren’t they? But we established one thing for certain: they are far more than just a female parent. They are the ones who teach us right from wrong, who show us what loving someone really means, and they’ve shown us time and time again that moms are capable of literally anything for their children.

To all the Moms reading this: we love you more than we could ever possibly put into words, but we tried it anyways and this is what it looks like.




This Blog Was Written By: Kenny Lowell

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