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Top 3 Tips for College Freshmen

July 25, 2019

Written by Intern Alex Balerna 
College Advice

It’s almost time to go back to school! However, for college freshmen, it’s finally time to move away from home and be on your own for the first time ever (for most of us at least!) Being a college freshman can be really scary since it involves new people, new places, new schedules, and even a new living space. I am going to be a junior at Syracuse University, so my freshmen year was only 2 years ago, but it honestly is still fresh in my mind because of how memorable it was. My overall and most important advice to college freshmen is to not be nervous and put yourself out there! Be confident! Being outgoing and making a good impression on others is super important when trying to form and make new friendships. Even though this advice is very important, below are three tips I believe are essential for surviving freshman year.

  1. Go to Class

Yeah people say college is all about partying, but in all honesty, you’re going to college to get an education, and that should never be forgotten. Your first semester of freshman year GPA is what shapes and starts your academic future. If you have a low GPA from the start, it is extremely difficult to boost it up as you continue in your academic career. You’re paying to go to college, so why waste all of that money and not go to class? When I go to class, I personally go for the comfortable look, especially if I know I’ll be out all day and won’t be in my room. Part of this look are my pair of ISlides! Syracuse is known for being freezing in winter months, but the months of August - October dreadful. So, with that being said, wearing my ISlides are a perfect addition to my comfortable look for class. ISlide has many different official college licenses, maybe even the one you’ll be or are currently attending. To view our college selection, clickhere!

  1.   Get Involved

Getting involved on campus from the beginning is a very good way to meet people and to get to know where you’ll be spending your next four years. Many college campuses have clubs and organizations that can appeal to all people, so finding something you’re interested in isn’t usually a problem. Another way to get involved on campus is joining Greek life! I am in Gamma Phi Beta Alpha Chapter at Syracuse University and I can honestly say it has been my best decision so far in my college career. I have met so many great girls through Gamma Phi and it has really enhanced my college experience. Our philanthropic mission is Building Strong Girls and we are a national sponsor of the nonprofit organization called Girls on the Run, which helps girls build their confidence and ultimately reach the end goal of running a 5K! To learn more about Girls on the Run, clickhere!

  1.   Take Naps

This might not sound like a super important tip for incoming freshmen, but taking naps is going to be one of your favorite things to do when you get to college. Whether you get home from class and take a nap or you take a break from studying by napping, naps are a good way to relax and reenergize yourself so you can make the most of your day. When you get to college, you’re going to feel constantly tired and overwhelmed. This feeling is horrible and it sucks when you’re already trying to adjust to college life in general. Fortunately, you’ll get used to it and if you fit naps into your schedule, it will really help you feel less stressed and tired as you’re trying to adjust to your new college lifestyle.

Overall, being a freshman in college is a scary and new experience, but you always have to remember that you aren’t alone and that college is a new experience for all freshmen. Following these steps are a really great way to benefit your college experience and make it worthwhile, and I hope you take them into consideration for your freshman year. Comment below some tips you followed as a freshman and some advice you might have for incoming freshmen too! I wish you all the best of luck and have a great school year!

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