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Slide-into-intern-life: Brighton Cormier

March 01, 2019

Slide-into-intern-life: Brighton Cormier

I remember pulling in for the first day of work on a brisk January morning. After parking on the wrong side of the building and having to walk down the long hallway from the other entrance, I finally reached the ISlide office. A little upset at myself after the long walk; that all went away as soon as I walked through the office door. I was quickly overwhelmed by the feeling that I had made the right choice of choosing ISlide as my internship opportunity. Not only was I greeted with friendly gestures, but I felt like I was already part of the ISlide family, a family who was willing to help me better myself for my future career—where ever that may be.

Looking back if I had looked up ISlide in the dictionary on the before the first day I would have found “a family looking to innovate the footwear industry through hard work.” That is precisely what I saw when I was at ISlide. By working hard every day and looking to contribute to the ISlide mantra, I feel that I made the most out of my internship here. Entering the office every day I was there; I would get new and exciting tasks that I feel could help contribute to the success of ISlide. You recognize that every job at ISlide is a needed entity—from the interns to JK –and everyone helps add to its success

My time at ISlide has been one of the best adventures of my life, and I would not change it for the world. The vast knowledge I gained is irreplaceable. From sales research, and initial sales contact what I learned at ISlide I feel I would have never been able to learn at a larger corporation. They helped me better myself for my future by pushing myself to be better individual striving for overall success. Because of them, I feel I can enter the workforce as a better, well-rounded person.


This Blog Was Written By Intern: Brighton Cormier

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