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Top 10 Running Tips for the "Average" Runner

June 13, 2018

Top 10 Running Tips for the "Average" Runner

Love it or hate it, running undoubtedly has a plethora of health benefits. The most noteworthy include reduced stress, improved mental health and overall physical health. Whether you’re a marathoner or someone looking to begin running, the first tip we have for you is to set SMART goals for yourself. A SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. What ever you would like to get out of running, make sure your goals have these characteristics because they will keep you motivated, help you see results, and ultimately, help you achieve more ambitious goals.

Here are tips 2-10 to help you make running easier and more enjoyable.

2. Hydrate… then hydrate some more. Ever got a cramp from running? There’s a good chance it’s because you were dehydrated. To keep your muscles and joints lubricated, hydrate well days in advance.

3. Warm up and then stretch! Even if you love running, nobody loves pulled muscles. Make sure you get a good dynamic warm up in and stretch both before and after your run.

4. Change up your route. If you’re one who finds running boring, changing your route is a great way to keep things fresh. It allows you to see new parts of your town or city, and if you have time, you could even drive somewhere for even better scenery.

5. Listen to something while you run. Nothing is worse than hearing yourself breathe heavily and get tired when you still have miles to go.

6. Schedule time for your run into your day. No more excuses that running is too time consuming or you have other things to worry about. This is your health we’re talking about… make that a priority.

7. Pace yourself. It sounds simple but a consistent pace throughout your run can be the difference between setting a personal record and failing to do so.

8. Reward yourself. Yeah yeah… you should try to eat healthy, but let’s focus on making running more fun. You’re doing your mind and body a favor by running so you should feel good about having ice cream or a few drinks from time to time. You deserve it.

9. Invest in a quality pair of running shoes. This is one of the most important steps in preventing yourself from injury. Quality doesn’t always mean expensive, so just make sure they are comfortable and in good shape.

10. Wear custom ISlides after you run that allow you to stand in what you stand for.


This blog was written by Thomas Gresser

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